Crystals for Yoga: Best Gemstones for Peace

(Last Updated On: 26th Jun, 2023)

If you are looking to add a little extra zen to your yoga practice, consider using crystals for yoga!

Crystal therapy is an alternative healing practice that dates back thousands of years. It’s based on the belief that crystals and gemstones have unique energies that can promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

There are many different types of crystals you for yoga, but some of the most popular include amethyst, rose quartz, citrine, and sodalite.

To get started using yoga crystals, simply place them on your mat or in your hands during your practice. You can also wear crystal jewelry or carry a small crystal in your pocket.

Just make sure to cleanse your stones regularly – both sunlight or moonlight works well – to keep their energy positive.

If you are interested in learning what are some of the best crystals for yoga, read on to learn more about each of them – their meanings, benefits, and healing powers.

What Are the Best Crystals for Yoga?

The best crystals for yoga can help to improve your practice and make it more enjoyable. They can also help to deepen your meditation and connect you with your higher self.

There are many different types of crystals depending on your level of yoga expertise, so it is important to choose ones that will work well for you. Here are some of the best crystals for yoga and crystals for flexibility.


Amethyst is a powerful crystal that has been used for centuries to relieve anxiety and stress. It is also helpful in promoting sleep and calming the mind. It is often used to protect against negative energy and cleanse the aura, making it one of the good crystals for yoga. You may test out its healing properties with this Amethyst healing wand.


Often referred to as the “success stone”, it helps promote success in all areas of life. It can also help to increase self-confidence and reduce anxiety. Citrine is a great stone for goal setting and manifesting your dreams. Grab your premium-grade crystals collection here.

Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is known as the “master healer” because it can be used to treat any ailment. It is also said to amplify the energies of other stones and increase their healing properties.

It is often used to protect against negative energy, cleanse the aura, and balance the chakras, making it one of the ideal crystals for yoga practice, especially for beginners.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli is a deep blue stone that has been used for centuries for its healing properties.

It is said to be helpful in relieving pain, reducing stress, and promoting relaxation. Lapis lazuli can also help to open the third eye chakra and enhance psychic ability. Its healing powers and properties makes it one of the best metaphysical crystals for yoga.


Malachite is a deep green stone that is said to be beneficial for the heart and emotions. It can also help to balance the chakras and protect against negative energy. Malachite is a great stone for meditation and visualization. Welcome abundance into your life with this malachite crystal.


Moonstone is an iridescent white stone that is associated with new beginnings, love, and fertility. It can also help to promote sleep and heal the emotions. Moonstone is a protective stone that can be used to cleanse the aura and balance the chakras.


Obsidian is a black stone that has powerful energy cleansing properties. It can also help to shield against negative energy and promote inner strength. Obsidian is an excellent stone for protection and can be used to cleanse the aura.

Rose Quartz

This crystal is associated with love, compassion, and forgiveness. It can help to open your heart chakra and promote healing in relationships. Rose quartz can also be used to balance the emotions and release stress.

Tigers Eye

The tiger’s eye crystal is a golden brown stone that is said to be helpful in grounding and centering the energies. It can also help to increase self-confidence and willpower. Tiger’s eye is a great stone for protection and can be used to cleanse the aura.


Turquoise is a beautiful blue stone that has been used for centuries by Native Americans. It is associated with wisdom, truth, and communication. Turquoise can also help to protect against negative energy and balance the emotions.

Why Use Crystals for Yoga

Crystals have been used for centuries to promote physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Crystal therapy is based on the belief that crystals emit vibrations that can be used to restore balance in the body.

Crystal yoga is a practice that uses crystals to amplify the benefits of yoga and meditation. The use of crystals can help to focus and intensify your practice, as well as providing specific therapeutic benefits.

For example, amethyst is helpful for relaxation and stress relief, while rose quartz is associated with love and self-acceptance. Sodalite is believed to boost creativity and communication.


Yoga has been around for centuries and is a practice that involves the Union of the body, mind, and spirit. Yoga means to yoke or unite and is often done through various postures or Asanas, breath work or pranayama, and meditation.

The purpose of yoga is to create balance in the body and mind and to promote overall health and well-being.

One of the many benefits of yoga is that it helps to reduce stress and anxiety. It does this by promoting relaxation and improving one’s mood. Studies have shown that yoga can help to lower cortisol levels, which is the hormone associated with stress.

In addition to reducing stress, yoga can also help to improve energy levels, increase strength and flexibility, improve sleep quality, reduce pain, lower blood pressure, improve heart health, boost immunity, help calm the nervous system, and so much more!

Incorporating crystals into your yoga practice can enhance these benefits even further. Crystals are powerful tools that can be used to assist in healing on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Each type of these crystals for yoga have their own unique properties and vibrational frequency that can help to promote balance and harmony within the body.

Some of the best crystals for yoga are amethyst, rose quartz, sodalite, turquoise, and jade.

Amethyst is known as the “stone of peace” and can help to reduce stress and anxiety.

Rose quartz is the “stone of love” and is helpful for opening up the heart chakra and increasing self-love.

Sodalite is a stone of communication and can be helpful for improving communication with others. Turquoise is a “master healer” stone that supports overall health and well-being. Jade is a stone of tranquility that helps to encourage relaxation and peace.

There are many ways to incorporate crystals into your yoga practice. Some people like to place crystals on their body during yoga, others like to hold them in their hands, and still others like to keep them nearby.

You can also create a crystal grid around your yoga mat or place crystals in the four corners of your mat. However you choose to use them, trust your intuition and allow the crystals to guide you.

When using crystals for yoga, it is important to set an intention for your practice. This can be done by holding the crystal in your hand and stating aloud what it is that you wish to achieve during your practice – whether that be more peace, love, relaxation, among others.

It is also important to cleanse your crystals before each use. This helps to remove any negative energies they may have picked up and allows them to function at their highest potential.

There are many ways to cleanse crystals, but some simple methods include bathing them in salt water or placing them in direct sunlight for a few hours.

If you are looking for a way to enhance your yoga practice and promote overall health and well-being, consider incorporating crystals into your practice. Trust your intuition and allow the crystals to guide you.

Set an intention for your practice and cleanse your crystals before each use. Remember to listen to your body and go at your own pace. Practice with an open heart and mind, breathe, relax, and enjoy!